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Help Center

Frequently Asked
I received a defective/damaged item, can I get a refund?
In case the item you received is damaged or defective, you could return an item in the same condition as you received it with the original box and/or packaging intact within 30 days from the date of receiving it.
I received a wrong item, how can I return it?
In the unusual circumstance where the item received is wrong, you can return the item in the same condition you received and in the original box and/or packaging intact.
Can I return my item after 14 days?
There may be situations in which you were not able to return items within the 14 days
When are ‘Returns’ not possible?
There are a few certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns:
I have changed my mind; can I return what I have bought?
If you change your mind within 24 hours from placing the order, just call us to cancel your order and we will process the refund along with any shipping fees applied.
Can I return Clothing & Fashion products?
You can return any Clothing item within 14 days in the same condition you received and in the original box and/or packaging intact, as long as the item is:
What are the items included in the Non-Returnable List?
The items that cannot be returned are:
How can I receive a refund if I paid by Credit Card?
If you have paid through electronic means (Credit or Debit card), the paid amount will be refunded to your card.
I paid through Cash on Delivery; how will I receive a refund for my item?
If you have paid through Cash on Delivery (COD), the money would be refunded to your personal bank account.
Can I Replace or Exchange an item rather than a refund?
At the moment, Edumalls does not offer replacement or exchange of an item; however, you can still return

Delivery Questions
Can I schedule time with the courier to return an item?
At the moment, you will not be able to contact the courier company directly.
How long does it take the courier to collect the returned items?
Typically, Courier representative will contact you within 3-5 days
What does it mean by ‘Retail Packaging’ never opened (Sealed & Closed Box)?
A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging.
Can I return an item through my courier company or personally drop it anywhere?
At the moment, the item can be returned to us only though one of our assigned courier services.
I lost the Original Packing in which I received the item, how can I still return it?
We accept return of item only if it is in an unopened, original box and/or packaging intact with all labels and barcodes on it.
Where can I find the pre-paid shipping label / Air Waybill?
Once you place a request to return an item, the pre-paid shipping label / Air Waybill will be sent to you in your email to ensure you can return the item.