Product added to cart

Frequently Asked Questions
Within21 days from the order date.
The return request status is "confirmed" within 3 days of receiving the return from the customer.
- The product must be in its original, undamaged box.
- The product must be in its original condition and unused.
- The barcode label must be intact and not torn.
The reasons listed in the return options on the return form request.
Yes, the customer bears the return costs.
Unfortunately, exchange requests cannot be made through the website. The customer must make a return request and place a new order.
If the product does not match the specifications on the website,you can make a return request and specify the reason " Mismatch item's description" A customer service representative will contactyouto place a new order and cancel the shipping fees for the replacement/new order.
The refund will be issued to the same payment method used for the purchase within48 hours of receiving the returned product and confirming its condition.
- You can contact us via the live chat on the EduMalls website or through our social media channels:
- X: EduMallsME
- FB & IG: edumalls.ksa
- Sunday to Thursday
- 10 AM to 5 PM