I Start Arabic - for Schools

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The I Start Arabic program (K-grade 9) is a leveled learning program aligned with the
National Curricula and built on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages ACTFL) standards.

The platform offers a solid foundation for learning the basics of the Arabic language
through phonics awareness and provides users with words and expressions that are
necessary for everyday communication. Scripts and worksheets are available bilingually
on the platform to ease the learning process for students.

The program provides content in each of the four language skills to meet the 6 levels expected to be achieved by the learner.

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The I Start Arabic program (K-grade 9) is a leveled learning program aligned with the
National Curricula and built on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages ACTFL) standards.

The platform offers a solid foundation for learning the basics of the Arabic language
through phonics awareness and provides users with words and expressions that are
necessary for everyday communication. Scripts and worksheets are available bilingually
on the platform to ease the learning process for students.

The program provides content in each of the four
language skills to meet the 6 levels expected to be
achieved by the learner.


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