VRLab Academy

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  • VRLab Academy is an educational software company that enables laboratory experiments on scientific subjects to be carried out with virtual reality technology.
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  • VRLab Academy is an educational software company that enables laboratory experiments on scientific subjects to be carried out with virtual reality technology.
  • The experiments stand out for their compatibility with undergraduate courses, works with real scientific formulas on scientific subjects in a wide spectrum from nuclear physics to medical biochemistry, and offers the possibility of saving data.
  • Offering more than 200 experiments in 11 different science categories, VRLab Academy is constantly updated with different categories and experimental software.
  • VRLab Academy cares about the experience of its users in the real laboratory environment and the human relationship to materials, prioritizing their overlap with reality.
  • VRLab Academy, which aims to contribute to academic progress and development through the option of academic cooperation, has added many new experiments to its portfolio with the discipline of joint work to date.
  • During this period, when effective distance education becomes important, VRLab Academy aims to support educators and students to spend this process efficiently and continues its R & D studies decisively.
  • As VRLab Academy, our main aim is to create a conjoint world of innovation and joyful education with the concept of equal opportunity in education.
  • We targeted waste-free, attractive and useful design.
  • VRLab Academy makes advanced virtual science education possible to have for institu-tions that aim to evolve their educational environment, students that want to improve their scien-tific skills and learn all about it from first hand.

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VRLab Academy
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