Bold & Bright Happy Birthday Chart CTP-2847

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Bold & Bright Happy Birthday Chart CTP-2847
This Bold & Bright Happy Birthday Chart features swirled ice-cream cones, seasonal accents, and playful patterns that will make students feel special on their birthday. This chart is a perfect way to display student birthdays in the classroom, at a daycare, in a , or at a preschool. Chart measures 17" x 22" Back of chart includes reproducibles and activity ideas to reinforce skills.
معلومات اكثر
SKU MP-7742-CTP-2847
Weight 0.100000
اكتب رأيك الخاص
يمكن للمستخدمين المسجلين فقط كتابة مراجعات. يرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب

التسليم خلال 3: 5 أيام عمل

منتجات Upsell
Bold & Bright Happy Birthday Chart CTP-2847